Marine Aggregate Regional Environmental Assessment (MAREA) is a voluntary initiative, endorsed by the British Marine Aggregate Producers Association (BMAPA), The Crown Estate and the Marine Management Organisation (formerly the Marine and Fisheries Agency).
The work aims to provide a strategic view of future marine aggregate extraction activities and their potential cumulative and in-combination effects to ensure that individual dredging permissions are suitable informed.
This site has been produced as repository for documents describing work carried out on behalf of the regional dredging associations during completion of MAREAs. If you would like to know more about the MAREA process please use the contact form provided.
All information and reports presented on this site are intended to be freely accessible to interested parties, however, if you would like to use the data upon which the reports are based please use the contact form to obtain the necessary permission.
Please note: to download any of the reports on the site you will be required to register.
Developed by Nurture.